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What We Do - The ImprovementForum: influencing corporate developments Updated: 1st September 2009
 Unusually in our time - An Ad Free Zone 
The CU online ImprovementForum is not a talking shop or discussion forum. It is an Ad-free zone for you the customer to escape from ads, shopping, offers... to quietly and without distraction gather your thoughts and opinions about improving a particular issue that affects you and your family.

 For Customers - A Better Way
No gifts. No prize draws. No other incentives. Nothing is being offered to you to take part in the ImprovementForum. We want you to be involved, purely because you are the kind of person who wants to make a difference to the world around you. And you believe that the "Better Way" CU is here for, is worth a try.

The forum exists for the sole purpose of you the customer - one customer amongst millions, a drop in the ocean to your corporates  - exercising your influence on change through CustomersUnited.

You are being asked to give of your time and thought without direct, personal reward but for the good of you and your loved ones and the greater good of customers and society. Your role in the forum will be that of a customer but
now as reader, thinker, Influence Contributor, and you contribute the effort that you feel a particular issue deserves.

When we begin to see the change in the world, caused through your efforts with CU - your reading CU articles,  your own research, your thought, your considered influence - united with the efforts of other customers in CU, this change will be the reward for us all.

Ultimately, when CU establishes the ImprovementForum as the "normal", recognised, long-term mechanism for customers to influence change, this, will be the greatest deal of all: one caused by this generation of customers, for us, our children and for the generations to come.

The ImprovementForum presents in-depth articles on current issues affecting customers. We encourage you to do your own independent reading as well. Most importantly, we ask you to consider your own experience as a customer. Having gathered your thoughts in this balanced way on a particular issue, we invite you to take part in an online ImprovementSurvey.
Your customer influence along with others' is aggregated so that you as an individual cannot be identified in the data that is updated onto our CustomersUnited Influence Database - CUiD ("quid").

At the heart of our corporate partnership programme - we call CustomerPartnership- is CUiD. The programme is about effective, committed partnership with the corporates you do business with, who will use CUiD to inform and influence their decisions on change.

If you shop at Tesco, John Lewis, M&S or use NatWest or watch the BBC, Channel-4 etc., at last, what you need of your organisations on trust, on quality, on service, on strategy will be recorded in one place CustomersUnited.
"Your influence", your drop in the ocean  -  say on kids healthy eating, or on how banks treat you... - is stated once by you; recorded in one place by us; and "listened to" many times by many corporates, to become immeasurably influential. You drop. CU won't stop: in our united effort  to cause an ocean of change.

 For Corporates
If you are Tesco, John Lewis, M&S, NatWest, the BBC, Channel-4 etc. we hope you welcome
independent, open, ImprovementForum debate and opinion-forming amongst your customers. And welcome your customers efforts and time in contributing their influence to inform your corporate development decisions.

 How the Improvement Forum Operates
The Improvement Forum will consist of a number of customer related topics at any one time with new ones added as issues arise. Each Forum Topic will follow a production standard:
1 Topic Leader (optional preface of topic)
2 Quick Poll (optional to take a pulse)
3 Topic Article (full editorial of pros and cons)
4 Topic Survey (your customer needs)
5 Topic Result Summary (sometime later) 
Topics will be covered with balance but always from a customer viewpoint. Improvement Forum active users will be fully registered to enable customer needs to be analysed by customer profile / preferences.
From time to time surveys or selected panels will also be run which are commissioned by a corporate partner and may be of general interest or form part of some specific customer-insight objective. Such surveys will clearly indicate their sponsor.

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