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What We Do - Corporate CustomerPartnership: Customers working with their brands Updated: 7th September 2012
The Corporate Partnership with CustomersUnited is effectively a CustomerPartnership with customers who have registered with CU for the purpose of causing change.

A corporate signing up is an act of commitment to customers and the principles and aims set out for the benefit of customers.

 The Challenge That Lies Ahead
Corporates having read About Us will have formed mixed views of CU. We accept we are ambitious newcomers with bold new thinking and bold new challenging solutions and aims. But these same challenging attributes we are proud to have in common with the founders, the visionaries, who started most successful brands. Many great British brands, now intrinsic to society, were bold and started out small: BBC,... M&S,... NHS,... Tesco,... Virgin,... Like many young brands of today, we are starting out small, knowing we have something new and significant we have to achieve. And we have been bold and open in setting out our proposition in full so that our corporate partners to be, can see the challenge that lies ahead, and also the merit: in us, our principles and aims, and in uniting customers with their corporates for the sole purpose of change.
We now seek to form working partnerships with bold corporates run by bold CEOs, who not only see the merit in our proposition for their own families and for customers families too, but who accept the challenge of an established corporate joining in an open, fresh approach to managing change with their customers. Many will have been through recent "pain" to embrace the Digital Age: do we join facebook? do we Tweet? Do we blog? Do we have online shopping? After time, the answer is always “yes”. Do we join CU is the new Digital Age hug.

The standard corporate agreement of the CustomerPartnership focuses on the purpose of joining: action for change, and the spirit in which partners take part, principles in action. Becoming a partner brings brand benefits, business development benefits and marketing benefits. And of course benefits your customers. (See What You Get - Corporates)

 Partnership Agreement Outline

The CustomerPartnership agreement commits partners to act for the benefit of their customers, and with customers influence as expressed through ImprovementForum and TheWire. And to do so within the spirit of partnership with customers.
The action part of the CustomerPartnership agreement, commits a corporate partner, for the benefit of their customers, To Take Action:
as follows:

1 To allow corporate decisions on products, services and our brand to be informed and shaped by CustomerInfluence as contributed freely by customers in the CU ImprovementForum and TheWire.
2 To maintain and improve what we provide and how we provide it, in line with CustomerInfluence
3 To go beyond words and marketing, and take definite action to bring about the changes customers seek:
"No noise; just ringing in the changes".

The spirit of the CustomerPartnership agreement commits corporate partners to behave in the spirit of partnership with their customers. This means a more balanced focus between what is good for the corporate and what is good for the customer; a balance which willingly includes CustomerInfluence and CU principles and aims for customers, in the shaping of corporate culture and the brand.

(Also see A Better Way - for Corporates).

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