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A Better Way: CustomersUnited founding principles for Government Updated: 10th May 2011
 Government Culture and Regulator Culture: Listen 
Echoing the sentiment of John F Kennedy: Ask not what society can do for you. Ask what you can do for society, CustomersUnited has sent a letter to Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg announcing CU. We ask
this government, in acknowledgement of unprecedented disconnection of people, loss of trust and hope, and the need for sweeping change, to be the first to use TheWire, giving back something long lost to people: their influence, and accepting something people can do for society.
 A Crisis of Loss to the People 
In our proposal to the Coalition we highlight the loss to ordinary people during the Brown-Blair governments, and asked that the coalition be the first to use TheWire to help society and people regain some of their loss.

We also highlight to government that TheWire is here to help people regain connection, regain influence and regain democracy: openly, independently from business, regulators, government and state, and independently of groups, religion and political parties. And that TheWire is also here to help government run departments and formulate policy. And help regulators "see" how their sector's behaviour is good or detrimental for the customer. TheWire would have given the FSA practical feedback about the banks detrimental behaviour and so forewarned and forearmed the FSA in the years before the crisis of greed. We have proposed a pilot of TheWire with the newly formed regulators who are replacing the abolished FSA, for the very sector that was detrimental to customers and society.
 A Call to Government for Societal Shift 
The societal shift of Influence Regained, in an everyday sense not just at elections, is a real possibility for ordinary people with the arrival of TheWire. Such a shift allows people to play an integral part in doing their bit in helping society, however small, by ensuring regulators and government are:
. not isolated from the everyday reality of
  ordinary people's interactions with banks,
  utilities, telecoms... all sectors

. better informed by the big-picture of what
  people are experiencing from the sectors in
  order to formulate better government policy
  and better regulation.

However, to realise this societal shift for the people on TheWire, the government must play their part too: to take courage and "listen" to the influence of the people on TheWire. But first listen to the proposition in our letter: "to open the doors of government, regulators, and other bodies, and let the influence of ordinary people enter.
“Courage is what it
 takes to stand up and
 speak; courage is also
 what it takes to sit
 down and listen”

Winston Churchill. 

The People's Influence Principle - 10

To enable ordinary people - the paying customer of democracy - from whom power is democratically consented to parliament, to influence government and regulators use of that power
is founded on this tenth principle, The Peoples Influence Principle, and is set up to achieve it with the following aims:

Aim 19 Influence Regained
To run TheWire primarily for the customer of democracy to regain influence with
government, regulators, and business.
Regaining Influence for Change
with all the organisations we do business with, including government, is essentially why CustomersUnited has arisen. It has taken time to devise our entire proposition, as just the component parts would not get customers The Better Way we set out to achieve.

Although Aim 19, said as though it is achieved: "Influence Regained", is the last aim so far, it is the first - beginning life with our first two customers united by joining, and our first corporate united in CU partnership. Aim 19 runs through all our other principles and aims. The entire edifice of CU achieves Aim 19 with a fair balance for all involved: TheHallOfChange and change itself, giving credit for CustomerPartnership to corporates; our tackling difficult issues in the ImprovementForum bringing CUiD to corporates and customers; TheWire bringing everyday  balance to government and regulators; CU bringing multiple approaches for change.

We have asked the coalition to use TheWire for government and regulators; to support ordinary people's use of TheWire to regain Influence and "do their bit for society". We hope soon to  announce their positive answer. (See us on Twitter and Facebook)

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